That's All Folks! (31/31)

April 12, 2015

Well... this is my last post after blogging everyday for 1 month! I have to say, I didn't think I would make it, but I am so glad I did!

I'm not one to stick to things, I begin with the best intentions in the world but then I always forget and then it fizzles out. However, I have found it quite cathartic. At the end of everyday I would sit and blog about whatever happened in my life. It's been fun to explore a different side to my blog and to have a goal in sight. Although, some days were harder than others, sometimes I was busy or didn't have an interesting topic for that days post, but I pushed through and here I am... on the other side! I would like to thank my mum, my dad, my pet squirrel, George Clooney and (of course) the voters for voting for me! This means so much to me that I might cry!

So, thanks for sticking with me through this month-long blog-fest and stay tuned for the future!

Lottie :)

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